Be part of the largest Used Curriculum Sale in the state of Colorado! You can volunteer as well as sell your used curriculum! The sale will be on Wednesday, June 15th, as part of the BONUS DAY, immediately prior to the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference, and will be onsite at the Crowne Plaza Convention Center.
Areas of service: See list below to find what areas of service are most appealing to you and work the best for your schedule. There are opportunities that begin as early as April! Most of the help is needed the day of the sale (Wednesday 6/15).
Benefits: For those that volunteer a minimum of 4 hours you will get early access shopping (from 11am–12pm) PLUS receive an additional 5% on your sales (if you are selling books).
Please note: Volunteers 10–11 years old are to be with a parent, otherwise volunteers are to be age 12 and older.
Volunteer Form: Used Curriculum Sale
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