
Conference Speakers

Jeff Myers

Summit Ministries


Dr. Jeff Myers is the President of Summit Ministries and one of America’s foremost authorities on youth leadership development. He advocates for the rising generation through speaking events, the Dr. Jeff Show podcast, media interviews, and intensive training of 65,000 students each year. His students have become leaders in business, education, politics, the church, the military, medicine, science, and the arts. His energetic presentations artfully weave together biblical principles and compelling stories to help audiences break through the barriers that stop them from making a difference. In addition to speaking and training, Dr. Myers is the author of 16 books, including three landmark textbooks through which 50,000 young adults have been trained to embrace a biblical worldview.

Speaker Sessions

Why Kids Walk Away From Their Faith and What to Do About It

(Biblical Worldview)

Up to 70% of young adults leave their faith behind when they enter adulthood. This decline is not inevitable. Young adults who stay firm in their faith do three things differently. Based on his work with hundreds of thousands of young adults, Dr. Jeff Myers shares realistic ways to incorporate these three principles into the life of your family.

Helping Your Kids Conquer Fear and Communicate with Passion

(Biblical Worldview)

Successful people know how to persuasively get their point across, have meaningful conversations, and earn the trust of others. Based on his real-world experience of training young leaders, Dr. Jeff Myers explains and demonstrates specific strategies you can immediately apply to help your kids communicate with confidence.

Why Am I Here? Answering Your Kids’ Craving for Life Purpose

(Biblical Worldview)

75% of young adults say they do not have a sense of purpose that gives them meaning in life. Through 20 years of working with rising leaders, Dr. Jeff Myers reveals four sensible — and surprising — ways to help your kids break through the culture’s meaninglessness and discover God’s will.

Raising Kids Who Stand for Truth When it Counts

(Family Discipleship)

Our culture desperately needs people who know the truth and courageously stand for it. Drawing on fascinating, memorable lessons from Jesus-followers in history, Summit Ministries president Dr. Jeff Myers will help you train your kids to stand for truth even in a hostile culture.

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