Conference Speakers
Josh Schwisow
Joshua Schwisow serves as one of the pastors at Reformation Church in Elizabeth, CO. He is husband to Jessica, and together, they are parents to five children. Joshua also serves as the Publications Director of Generations. He is the author of How Jesus Built His Church, Taking Europe for Jesus, and How to Think Biblically.
Speaker Sessions

Answering the Call: The Path to Becoming a Pastor
(Life Launch)
The church of Christ is in desperate need of faithful preachers and godly shepherds. Young men should consider these words: “If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task” (1 Timothy 3:1). Pastor Josh Schwisow will share his story of becoming a pastor, and he will encourage young men to consider these questions: “Am I called to preach the Gospel? Am I called to shepherd Jesus’ flock?”

Teaching History: How Biblical Timelines and World History Work Together
(Homeschool How-To)
If we teach history as a series of unrelated facts, names, events, wars, and calamities, it should be no surprise that our children do not find it engaging. However, as Christians, we believe God is fulfilling His purposes in the world. God plans to “unite all things in Christ” (Ephesians 1:10) so that in everything, “Christ may be preeminent” (Colossians 1:18). It is important for Christian parents to connect the events of history with God’s ultimate plan. By doing so, our teaching of history will be filled with wonder and practical significance, making it more engaging for our children.
Join thousands of other homeschoolers this June 12-14th at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. Expect to have a lot of fun and fellowship with other homeschool families, find great deals on curriculum, and get practical encouragement for your homeschooling at our workshops and general sessions!