
Conference Speakers

Biblical Worldview

Mike Snavely

Mission Imperative!, Inc.


Mike was reared in South Africa. He and his wife were missionaries there while home educating their three children. He founded Mission Imperative, authored Creation or Evolution, and has produced many videos, including Adventures of Ranger Mike. His prime ministry is speaking. He is also an inductee into the “Creation Science Hall of Fame,” has appeared many times on Creation in the 21st Century, and has spoken across the USA and in foreign countries. He also hosts two fascinating excursions: The “Southwest Safari,” a flood-oriented trip to the Utah/Arizona region, and the “African Wildlife Safari,” a tour to South Africa.

Speaker Sessions

The Mystery of the Dinosaurs

(Biblical Worldview)

This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for dinosaurs and answers the basic questions everyone has on the subject: What were dinosaurs? When did they live? What really happened to them? Does the Bible talk about them? (This session is one of our most popular requests!)

Lost Secrets of the Ancient Civilizations

(Biblical Worldview)

Strange carvings. Impossible accomplishments. Baffling ancient maps. Strange machines. Mysteries from the past. How could ancient man do that? Can we learn anything? How does this apply to us? With fascinating illustrations, this session contrasts the evolution model with the creation model from a historical standpoint; through a look at what many ancient cultures were able to accomplish. These accomplishments baffle us even today! How did ancient man do these things? This session contrasts some of these civilizations to our own. This workshop has a personal application.

The Far Syde

(Biblical Worldview, Family Fun Night)

We know that God is incredibly innovative and diverse, as expressed in His creation of every living creature. It’s astounding! Beauty, purpose, and order are abundantly evident. However, so is the curse! Romans 8:22 claims that the creation is groaning because of sin and the curse. What was once totally beautiful is now stained with odd, bizarre, and uncanny expressions. Some things are ugly indeed, but even in this, there is amazing design! What appears to us as horrible still cannot happen if instinct and purpose are not built in! Make sure you bring your parents and hold on tight as we explore some of the creepiest creatures on the planet.

Join thousands of other homeschoolers this June 12-14th at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. Expect to have a lot of fun and fellowship with other homeschool families, find great deals on curriculum, and get practical encouragement for your homeschooling at our workshops and general sessions!

Thank you to our 2025 Conference Sponsors