Thursday-only Grand Opening Party offer
Hosted on Thursday from 4:30-8:00 pm, the Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Party is a HUGE splash of fun for our registrants and our exhibitors! We encourage you to consider a special Thursday-only offer (discount, giveaway, special add-on, etc.). We'll promote it to all conference registrants and post it on our website.
If you'd like to participate, explain your special offer here exactly as you would like it published.
Please explain your special offer here exactly as you would like it published.
List (1) product or service offered, (2) original value, and (3) the special discount/offer details. (May include more than one offer.) Special will be printed & publicized as written; keep to a max of 250 characters.
List (1) product or service offered and (2) the special discount/offer details. (May include more than one offer.) Special will be printed & publicized as written; keep to a max of 250 characters.
Please describe the items and the approximate value. Our Silent Auction coordinator will be in touch with you.