Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference at the Denver Marriott Tech Center

You will find nearly a dozen vendors on the second floor this year in our new Life Launch area and among them are outstanding speakers. With nearly 20 workshops geared specifically for a teenage audience you are going to hear exemplary topics such as: discovering God’s vision for your life, how to develop stand-out leadership abilities, mission engagement, trades training, military preparation, navigating apprenticeships, dual enrollment, how to grow in college, secrets for aspiring entrepreneurs, the power of mentorships and SO MUCH MORE!

Life Launch Speakers

11:00 am: Daniel Craig – The Power of Mentorships: Secrets to a Truly Higher Education

This session is a “must hear” for parents and students alike. Everyone recognizes that there are problems with traditional higher education. Yet for all the press, commentary, and money spent to fix the problem, far too few people recognize the amazing benefits of one-on-one mentor-driven education. Even as homeschoolers, we often fail to realize that the need for biblical discipleship in education also applies to the college years. Get ready to adopt a new paradigm for “higher education” as Daniel explains how your student can launch into life NOW, with clear vision, through powerful mentoring relationships and real-life application.

12:10 pm: Bill Jack – Torn Between Two Worldviews

Train your students to discern world views and to understand their impact on every aspect of our culture. We will analyze the impact of world views on our culture through interviews with those who hold opposing worldviews. Great opportunity to learn practical tools to learn how to reach non-Christians and to confront the culture with the Truth.

1:50 pm: Daniel Craig – 5 Secrets for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur himself and having coached dozens of others through his company, ProfitCoach, Daniel will tell you that entrepreneurship is one of the most rewarding… and one of the most unimaginably challenging endeavors you could possibly undertake. Just ask his wife. But for those who are willing to take the challenge, there is incredible opportunity to impact employees, clients, and communities for the Kingdom of Christ. In this practical session, Daniel will share five important principles and practices to help you get started, stay inspired, and by God’s grace, build a business that will yield far more than financial profit.

3:00 pm: Sherri Seligson – How Studying Science Reveals God’s Character and Our Purpose

In the same way that a painter’s style and character are revealed in his paintings, we can see glimpses of God’s character in his Creation. The Bible mentions that He is light and living water. And as we study light and water, we understand his magnitude and see Him more clearly. Studying salt, darkness & light, and even branches, vines, & grafting gives us deeper clues to what those Biblical references truly mean to us. Join Sherri in this fun and fascinating discussion!

Please refer to the main schedule for location

11:00 am: Jonathan Brush – The Success Crisis: Why Misunderstanding Success is Destroying our Young Adults

Everyone loves to beat on the current young generation for their lack of work ethic and say they will never be “successful.” This is odd when you consider that the entire formal education system and culture is designed to and optimized to make people successful. What if learning to thrive (owning your purpose, serving others through healthy relationships, and living with resilience) was far more important than becoming successful; being rich, famous and/or powerful by definition? What if the happiness of “success” comes at the cost of the joy of thriving? What would we need to understand and do to equip our children to thrive instead of equipping them to be successful?

11:00 am: Shellie Doub – Navigating Registered Apprenticeships

Not sure if college is for you? Learn how to prepare for, find, and benefit from a registered apprenticeship program so that you can earn while you learn.

12:10 pm: Beth Landsverk – How to Develop Stand-Out Leadership Abilities in High School

Come join a Patrick Henry College representative to highlight practical ways to grow the leadership skills valued by many colleges. Learn how to avoid complacency and mediocrity to instead stand apart with humility, excellence, integrity, and a strong work ethic.

12:10 pm: Natalie Mack – The Value of Extracurriculars

Academics has its place but extracurriculars add an additional benefit for homeschooled students, especially in the high school years. Highschoolers who are applying for college and scholarships must answer the question – what did you do in addition to getting good grades? This workshop will discuss the value of extracurriculars and offer a view into some of the lesser known but extremely beneficial ones like Congressional Award, Beta Club, and 4-H.

3:00 pm: Michael Smith – Trades Training in a Healthy, Biblical Environment

This workshop will highlight the need for Christians in the industrial arts as well as the need for Christian Colleges that teach industrial arts and the need for tech schools to teach Biblical studies.

3:00 pm: Bill Jack – Taking What is Common to the Culture and Turning it into a Pulpit (Acts 17:22)

From peach baskets to pitching mounds, from movies to museums, from…well, come discover what tools and opportunities you might be overlooking to use in reaching this culture. Practical strategies and insights!

4:10 pm: Beth Landsverk – How to Grow in College: Spiritually, Academically, and Socially

Come join a Patrick Henry College representative to highlight the purpose of college and how to grow in 3 key areas in college. Learn tips and practical means of growing spiritually, academically, and socially while attending college.

4:10 pm: Jonathan Brush – Live Deliberately

It’s common knowledge that leadership requires responsibility. It’s also no secret that lectures on this topic abound. In this session, Jonathan Brush invites you to find a new perspective: living deliberately by courageously owning your past, boldly envisioning your future, and using both to take ownership of your life in the present. Through the lens of faith, we’ll uncover how God wants to use and redeem every portion of your past. Through the lens of hope, we’ll look ahead to a future that holds greater promise than anything left behind. Your understanding of these principles determines how you will be able to live and lead with wisdom and excitement in the present.

Please refer to the main schedule for location

11:00 am: Jonathan Brush – The Skills You Need to Live Life Well

Why do we think that the best way to launch children into adulthood is to tell them that, by the age of 18, they must know exactly what they want to do for their lifelong career? Has that worked for you or for most of the people you know? Does that strategy make sense in a world where technology constantly disrupts everything? This session will teach you about the Personal Triangle: A flexible and easy to understand framework to help you and your child find and focus on critical transferable skills you need to not just get a career, but to live life well.

11:00 am: Shellie Doub – Uniquely Designed for a Powerful Purpose

This session is for anyone who is trying to discover who they are and what they want out of life. We’ll explore how to leverage your strengths, embrace your personality, and use career search strategies and align them with a meaningful, impactful future.

12:10 pm: Michael Smith – Bi-Vocational Ministry Training/ Hybrid College Degrees

This workshop will cover using construction in missions, cosmetology, Biblical counseling, Bi-vocationsl Pastoral Studies and Missionary Welding.

12:10 pm: Will White – Flying for the Kingdom: The World of Missionary Aviation

Join us for an exciting talk that takes you into the world of missionary aviation! Discover how pilots and mechanics combine their passion for flying with a heart to serve God, delivering hope and resources to remote and isolated communities. You’ll learn how aviation transforms lives, overcomes obstacles, and spreads the Gospel. Whether you dream of flying, fixing planes, or supporting missions in other ways, this talk will inspire you to use your unique gifts to make a difference for God’s Kingdom. Adventure awaits—are you ready to take off?

2:30 pm: Josh Schwishow – Answering the Call: The Path to Becoming A Pastor

The church of Christ is in desperate need for faithful preachers and godly shepherds. Young men should consider the words: “if anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task” (1 Tim. 3:1). Pastor Josh Schwisow will share his story of becoming a pastor, and encourage young men to consider: “Am I called to preach the gospel? Am I called to shepherd Jesus’ flock?”

2:30 pm: Shellie Doub – Ahead of the Curve: How Dual Enrollment Enhances Homeschool Education

Dual enrollment should enhance – not replace – home education. Careful dual credit choices can encourage career exploration, accelerate academic achievement, and enrich the homeschool experience. This approach offers a multitude of benefits, helping students stay ahead of the curve in both their academic and personal development.

3:40 pm: Natalie Mack – Military Service Routes for Homeschool Graduates

Many homeschooled graduates have entered military service. You may know about enlistment, but did you know about 4 other routes? These are Military Service Academies, ROTC, Military Colleges, and Reserve/National Guard. Let’s discuss all five of these routes and how to assist your students in determining the right path for them.

3:40 pm: Israel Wayne – Developing Public Speaking Skills

Some studies say that fear of public speaking is higher than fear of dying! If you can develop your thoughts into a compelling presentation, and then communicate effectively, you will be given opportunities to influence the culture. Drawing on three decades of experience as a public speaker, this session will be practical and encouraging for teens who want to learn public speaking.

Please refer to the main schedule for location

The Life Launch Track is included with your Full Family or Individual Conference Pass. No additional registration is required to attend!

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