Conference Speakers
Jonathan Brush
Jonathan is the President and CEO of Unbound, a homeschool graduate, and a homeschool dad of six. He worked for nine years as a Director of Admissions for a private liberal arts college and then spent over 10 years working in non-traditional higher education. Now, Jonathan gets to work with the world’s best team and the most amazing student body in the history of the world (which is just as awesome as it sounds), and he fields questions about Rule 4 violations (ask an Unbound student to explain). Jonathan and his family make their home in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
Speaker Sessions

Live Deliberately
(Life Launch)
It’s common knowledge that leadership requires responsibility. It’s also no secret that lectures on this topic abound. In this session, Jonathan Brush invites you to find a new perspective: living deliberately by courageously owning your past, boldly envisioning your future, and using both to take ownership of your life in the present. Through the lens of faith, we’ll uncover how God wants to use and redeem every portion of your past. Through the lens of hope, we’ll look ahead to a future that holds greater promise than anything left behind. Your understanding of these principles determines how you will be able to live and lead with wisdom and excitement in the present.

The Skills You Need to Live Life Well
(Life Launch)
Why do we think that the best way to launch children into adulthood is to tell them that, by the age of 18, they must know exactly what they want to do for their lifelong career? Has that worked for you or for most of the people you know? Does that strategy make sense in a world where technology constantly disrupts everything? This session will teach you about The Personal Triangle: a flexible and easy-to-understand framework to help you and your child find and focus on critical, transferable skills you need not just to get a career but to live life well.

The Success Crisis: Why Misunderstanding Success is Destroying Our Young Adults
(Life Launch)
Everyone loves to beat on the current young generation for their lack of work ethic and say they will never be “successful,” which is odd when you consider that the entire formal education system and culture is designed and optimized to make people successful. What if learning to thrive — owning your purpose, serving others through healthy relationships, and living with resilience — was far more important than becoming successful, according to the definition of being rich, famous, and/or powerful? What if the happiness of “success” comes at the cost of the joy of thriving? What do we need to understand and do to equip our children to thrive rather than just to be successful?
Join thousands of other homeschoolers this June 12-14th at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. Expect to have a lot of fun and fellowship with other homeschool families, find great deals on curriculum, and get practical encouragement for your homeschooling at our workshops and general sessions!