Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference at the Denver Marriott Tech Center

In every generation except the last two or three, parents have taught their children how to grow their own food, keep animals, and provide for their basic needs. This track will encourage methods by which parents can teach their children homesteading skills, create productive households, encourage generational discipleship, and provide practical steps for getting started.

Homesteading Track Speakers

Rory Groves

11:00 am & 12:10 pm

Kody Hanner

3:00 pm & 4:10 pm

Will Work For Food: The Economics of Homesteading – 11:00 am

  • The apostle Paul calls us to “work with your hands … so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.” (1 Thes 4:11-12). This talk explores the biblical mandate to work with our hands, decrease our dependence on worldly systems, and build community with others who are doing likewise.

Start With Chickens: Homesteading as a School Subject – 12:10 pm

  • In every generation except the last two or three, parents have taught their children how to grow their own food, keep animals, and provide for their basic needs. With wit and wisdom, this talk presents some ways parents can teach their children homesteading skills and “mend” the chain that has been broken with our great-grandparents.

Raising Self-Sufficient Children – 3:00 pm

  • We want our children to be responsible,  motivated toward their goals. Our desire is for our children to be persons that can be relied on. The key is to build confidence and ownership from a young age. Come learn how to raise children who are capable of thriving and do not need to be dependent and coddled.

From Yard to Table: Urban Homesteading for Homeschool Families – 4:10 pm

  • Tired of the grocery store and longing for a more connected life? This workshop will explore the exciting world of urban homesteading! Learn practical steps to bring self-sufficiency to your suburban life, including, simple and effective gardening techniques for small spaces, raising backyard chickens (legally!), collecting rainwater, composting, preserving, cultivating a homesteading mindset with your family, and finding resources in your city. Discover how to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle, connect with nature, and raise resilient kids – all within the confines of your suburban neighborhood. This workshop is perfect for families looking to add a practical and enriching dimension to their learning journey.

The Homestead Track is included with your Full Family or Individual Conference Pass. No additional registration is required to attend!

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