
Conference Speakers

Dawn Madsen

The Minimal Mom


Dawn Madsen and her husband, Tom, along with their four kids (ages 8–14 years old) live just outside of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. They took on a minimalist lifestyle about eight years ago and haven’t looked back! The Madsens do not miss any of the old stuff — none of it! Family minimalism allows them to enjoy this one life they have been given to live well. Dawn inspires families to purge unwanted items quickly, so that they can get out from under piles of stuff and enjoy life!

Speaker Sessions

The Amazing Result of Decluttering Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day

(Homeschool How-To’s)

Decluttering our homes can be daunting. We don’t have time and it isn’t easy. In this session, Dawn Madsen will share the tricks for overcoming indecision, lack of motivation, and all of the “what if’s.” We often feel that we need full weekends dedicated to decluttering and organizing. But for most of us, that isn’t practical. Instead, take 15 minutes a day and use it to completely transform every room in your house. Dawn will give you very specific tools, so you will leave feeling confident that you, too, can simplify your home and enjoy more space and peace.

The Organization Myth (and What Actually Brings PEACE at Home)

(Homeschool How-To’s)

“If I could just get organized!!! Then my homeschool would run smoothly, I would have more patience and be less stressed.” Those are nice thoughts, but it doesn’t quite work that way. In this session, Dawn Madsen will discuss the organization myth, why it doesn’t bring peace to our homes, and what the real solution is. Using some key ideas from the Bible, you will hear about strategies beyond cube shelves and chalk labels, and you will feel much lighter and more optimistic about your upcoming school year.

All About Inventory: Creating a Manageable Homeschool Environment

(Homeschool How-To’s)

Did you know that every item in your homeschool is inventory that you have to manage? Every book, pencil, cube, and flash card — you have to manage it all! You have to store it, organize it, keep it safe and dry, AND remember that you have it. If you’re having trouble keeping it all organized, there isn’t anything wrong with you, you are just trying to manage too much inventory. But, how much do we keep? How do we store it? When do we let it go? Dawn Madsen will share three tactics to create a management system anyone can use!

Free to Live, Free to Give: Overcoming the Burden of Debt and Consumerism

(Homeschool How-To’s)

Marketers spend billions of dollars each year to get us to buy. They promise that their products will solve all of our problems from meal planning and teaching math to aging skin and making friends. Unfortunately, it often leaves us with all of the same problems that we had before, plus a big credit card bill. How do we get out of the cycle of debt and consumerism? How do we overcome the urge to buy? Dawn Madsen will share a mindset shift that radically changed her life and how it could influence your life too.

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