Conference Speakers
Renee Ellison
Homeschool How Tos
Mrs. Renee Ellison has more than 30 years of experience in the field of education — in Christian, private, secular, and homeschool settings. She home-educated her children for nearly 20 years. Renee taught nearly all grade levels, served as an elementary principal, was head of a high school English department, was awarded Teacher of the Year, developed and ran gifted and talented programs, conducted numerous teacher training workshops, and offers one-on-one mentoring for young moms.
Speaker Sessions

Twelve Ways to Trigger the Brain for Learning Any Subject Matter
(Homeschool How-To)
Discover the fastest route and the shortest distance to mastering new information with innovative, jaw-dropping methods useful for any home educator. Learn tips that even teachers wish they had learned in their education majors, but didn’t. Come learn simple teacher secrets gained only by years and years of experience in the trenches with children who “don’t get it.” Just watch — you’ll be so fired up about gaining this bag of tricks that you’ll start using them tomorrow.

TRAIN, Not Just DISCIPLINE Your Children
(Homeschool How-To)
Mom, here are practical, loving, nurturing discipline strategies that work. Learn how to train your children in advance, preparing them for next time rather than just addressing your current irritation. No monkey business! No ho-hum theory — just teacher-proven, time-tested techniques used with scores of children, even at the worst times of the day and in the most challenging settings, with happy results.

Just Starting to Homeschool and Two Academic Pitfalls to Avoid
(Homeschool How-To)
This workshop will buttress your resolve to either start homeschooling or continue with deeper conviction. A growing number of homeschoolers are facing two extremes. Many are not schooling at all — unschooling, letting lots of other things take priority, and finding it difficult to be disciplined in the area of academics. On the other end, some who are making academics their god — forcing their children to study works by ungodly individuals, obsessing over achievement, and prioritizing traditional college routes, regardless of whether the academics are Christian-based. The objective of this workshop is to help you find your balance and avoid the two major pitfalls of home education.

Teaching a Resistant Child
(Homeschool How-To)
Are daily battles with one or more resistant children over academics wearing you out? Often, a child will seem quite agreeable until you try to teach him or her something — then the body language kicks up, sour expressions emerge, stubbornness sets in, and a general pathetic weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth begins. Chronic resistance to academics means something. We need to identify the root causes in order to turn this daily duel into progressive energy that will result in a pleasant lifetime of eagerness to learn. There are nine reasons for academic resistance; if you can pinpoint which one you’re dealing with, you can achieve some wonderful results. You’ll experience the joy of seeing the resistance melt away.

Top-Notch Home Management Strategies
(Homeschool How-To)
Gain super tips that you wish a whole string of grandmothers had passed down to you. Discover scores of techniques that will make getting through your school day and home life easier, more productive, and happier. Save time, save energy, and reduce stress!
Join thousands of other homeschoolers this June 12-14th at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. Expect to have a lot of fun and fellowship with other homeschool families, find great deals on curriculum, and get practical encouragement for your homeschooling at our workshops and general sessions!