
Conference Speakers

Biblical Worldview

Roger & Jan Smith

Parenting Matters Now


Roger Smith, a medical doctor from rural Louisiana, author of Parenting With Influence, has a weekly video blog on parenting, and a podcast entitled Parenting Matters Now. Episodes are just 3 minutes long, sharing parenting tips three times weekly. Dr. Smith has a common-sense approach to family leadership that is rooted in biblical principles. His communication style is relaxed and conversational, yet fun and engaging. He serves on the board of Homeschool Louisiana and on the National Alliance of Home Education Leaders.

Jan Smith is passionate about making her home have lasting impact by hosting many young families for events where she mentors and encourages them to nurture children well. From the stage, Jan can connect with an audience, making truth and principles both practical and palpable. She home educated her 4 children, managed family businesses, started organizations, and inspired many to pursue great things. Her expertise is connecting people who need one another in life’s journey. She serves on the board of Homeschool Louisiana and on the National Alliance of Home Education Leaders.

Speaker Sessions

Biblical Worldview

Maximizing Growth of Children in Your Home

(Family Discipleship)

How are your children growing toward adulthood? Children have essential needs that enable them to grow up, and it is our job to help meet those needs. This session will identify the core needs that must be met to provide optimal growth toward maturity, and the Smiths will discuss how we, as parents, can effectively meet those needs. Home is the place where children grow the most. Be inspired to change your home environment resulting in a better outcome for all.

Biblical Worldview

Discipline That Draws Children Closer

(Family Discipleship)

Conflict with our children can cause a great gulf between us. Discipline in the home is a must, but it need not create tension between us and our children. The Smiths will share how biblical discipline is often misapplied, but more importantly, how we can pattern our family discipline after that of our Heavenly Father. Stories of parents doing it well will empower you to make needed adjustments in your approach to discipline.

Biblical Worldview

Prescription for a Healthy Marriage

(Family Discipleship)

If the children are the glue holding your marriage together, you are on the path to divorce. A healthy marriage has characteristics that lead to a thriving home  Bringing 40 years of experience in marriage to bear on the subject, the Smiths recognize that some stages are harder than others, while it is never too late to improve the health of the relationship. The Smiths will share several tools that can help to restore or invigorate a marriage in a busy home where no one has any extra time. Leave this session with one or more ideas to make an immediate difference.

Help! The High School Years Are Coming!

(Homeschool How-To’s, High School & Beyond)

Many parents are confident managing decisions and educational choices through the middle school years, but shake with fear when looking ahead to the high school years. The issues do seem to have greater consequences. But Dr. Smith will show a mindset and approach that can energize you to make them the best years. Your emerging adult can become the one who praises you, instead of being your greatest critic. Together, you can not only save tons of money, but you can launch your teen to find his or her own purpose.

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