Conference Speakers
Sue Wales
Becoming Stewards
Sue is a servant of Christ Jesus and is ever grateful to stand on the shoulders of godly women who have helped to shape the home discipleship movement. It is through their Christ-like example that Sue has been inspired to journey with and encourage fellow moms to become stewards of the relationships and resources that surround us. It is in the joys, tragedies, everyday challenges, community commitments, and pop-up business adventures that Sue and her growing family seek to glorify God and serve him well, albeit imperfectly, until that great and glorious day.
Speaker Sessions
Encouragement for the Single Parent
(Family Discipleship)
Being a single homeschool parent is one of the toughest jobs no matter the context. Thankfully God’s word offers refreshment to our souls and wisdom in the practical day-to-day. In this session, single and functioning single parents are invited to receive practical encouragement. Sue, who has spent a large portion of motherhood single parenting, understands what it is like to be in the trenches of loneliness, homeschooling, providing for the family, and discipling children through hardships and trauma. It is only by the grace of God.