Conference Speakers
Leslie Ludy
Set Apart Ministries
Leslie Ludy is a wife, mother of six, and bestselling Christian author who has spoken to hundreds of thousands of women over the past 27 years. She and her husband, Eric, have written 30 books that have sold over a million copies and been translated into over a dozen languages around the world. She is the director of Set Apart Ministries — a ministry that provides beautiful, Christ-centered resources for women of all ages. Leslie’s bestselling books for women include The Set Apart Woman, Set Apart Femininity, Set Apart Motherhood, and Authentic Beauty. She is the founder and editor of the Set Apart Magazine, a Truth-filled printed resource for women of every age. Leslie’s Set Apart Podcast delivers biblical encouragement to thousands of women around the world each week. Her message of complete surrender to Christ in every area of life has inspired today’s Christian women to exchange mediocrity for a thriving walk with Jesus that impacts others for God’s glory. The Ludys live in Colorado with their six children.
Speaker Sessions

Valiant - Becoming a Woman of Heavenly Strength
(Family Discipleship)
We often look at the examples of amazing, godly women in Scripture or Christian history and believe that we could never live such world-changing lives. But as Leslie shares in this message, valiant womanhood is possible for any woman who makes herself completely available to God. Instead of waiting for a modern-day heroic woman to show up and change the world, are we willing to let God shape us into valiant women in this generation?

Undivided Heart - Discovering Jesus as Our All in All
(Family Discipleship)
Have you ever longed for something more in your relationship with Jesus Christ? In this inspiring session, Leslie casts a vision for the set-apart life God has called us to live — sharing her journey to exchange shallow Christianity for complete surrender to Jesus Christ. If you are dissatisfied with just going through the motions of Christianity, this message will equip you to draw closer to Jesus in a lasting and personal way.
Join thousands of other homeschoolers this June 12-14th at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. Expect to have a lot of fun and fellowship with other homeschool families, find great deals on curriculum, and get practical encouragement for your homeschooling at our workshops and general sessions!