
Conference Speakers

Biblical Worldview

Scott and Katie LaPierre

Scott LaPierre Ministries


Scott LaPierre is the teaching pastor of Woodland Christian Church in Woodland, WA, an author, and a conference speaker. He is a former schoolteacher and Army officer. He holds an MA in Biblical Studies from Liberty University. Learn more at scottlapierre.org. 

Katie LaPierre is an author, and because of her passion for encouraging mothers, she runs a ministry called Eternally Minded Mamas. God has blessed Scott and Katie with 10 children and an 11th on the way.

Speaker Sessions

Strong Marriages for Healthy Homeschooling Environments

(Family Discipleship)

Homeschool children can flourish when parents have strong, healthy marriages. Conversely, children suffer when there is conflict between Mom and Dad. Come learn from the author of Your Marriage God’s Way how to have a relationship that allows your children to prosper, not just academically but also emotionally and spiritually.

Join thousands of other homeschoolers this June 12-14th at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. Expect to have a lot of fun and fellowship with other homeschool families, find great deals on curriculum, and get practical encouragement for your homeschooling at our workshops and general sessions!

Thank you to our 2025 Conference Sponsors