Conference Speakers
Jason Young
Heritage Baptist Church — Buckeye, Arizona
Jason Young (M.Div.) is a husband, father of eleven, and a grandfather. He and his wife live on a hobby farm in Buckeye, Arizona, where he serves as elder at Heritage Baptist Church. Jason is a biblical counselor and focuses on marriage and family matters. He also specializes in biblical epistemology, as his passion is to shed the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into all of life. He helps men find freedom with his online sexual purity course (

Speaker Sessions

Fatherhood Bootcamp Session 1 — Faithful Fathers
(Family Discipleship)
This message opens our time together by addressing what it means to be a faithful man in our culture and the problem of unfaithfulness. This is an overview of biblical manhood and would give special attention to what it means for men to belong to God, lead others to God, and labor for God. The priorities of following God’s design for the family and church are woven into the fabric of this message. Men can be faithful to God because God as our father is faithful to us as his children. It is the goodness and faithfulness of God that is the key for men to turn and be faithful men and faithful fathers.

Fatherhood Bootcamp Session 3 — Loving Fathers
(Family Discipleship)
This message is to highlight the importance of fathers who are tender warriors. This message looks at the need for God’s kindness and love to undergird all that a father does. Without love fathers and husbands are nothing more than clanging cymbals. Love is what marriages need and love is what holds a family together. Fathers can only give God’s love if they have God’s love. The heart of this message is to encourage fathers to receive God’s love into their hearts so they can love their wives and children with the love of God.

Fatherhood Bootcamp Session 2 — Courageous Fathers
(Family Discipleship)
In a world where most men have given up hope, this message offers hope. Hope takes courage. God is calling men to be courageous men who will turn and fight for their families. This call is first a Gospel call to believe in the God who raises the dead, then to passionately and persistently protect and love their wives and children. This is a message of encouragement to not fear doing what God has called you to. Many fathers and husbands are held back by fear. They fear shame, rejection, failure, and disgrace. But by faith in God, men all over America are learning to be courageous men and fathers who are having a great impact for Christ.

Fatherhood Bootcamp Session 4 — Wise Fathers
(Family Discipleship)
In this concluding message, a father’s understanding of the heart is explained in relationship to his family. First their own heart, and then the heart of their wife and children. Wise husbands and fathers aim at the heart. “My son, give me your heart” is the cry of the wise father. It is the husband who loves his wife as he does himself who will know wisdom in his marriage. Wise fathers understand the need for wisdom and will continue to grow in wisdom because they can learn and be corrected. No matter what stage of parenting or season you are in with your wife, wise fathers pursue wisdom.
Join thousands of other homeschoolers this June 12-14th at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. Expect to have a lot of fun and fellowship with other homeschool families, find great deals on curriculum, and get practical encouragement for your homeschooling at our workshops and general sessions!